
an ant is crawling on a white surface in a circle

Ant Exterminator

An ant is crawling on a white surface in a circle

Ant Control

Ants Are Little Creatures That Can Cause Big Headaches

Having unwanted pests in your home can lead to more than just a headache, especially when talking about ants. While these little creatures are fascinating, it’s better to appreciate them when they’re outside of your home or business.

Ants Are A Common Problem

If you spot them in your home at one point or another, you are not alone: the average American household can have a few hundred different species of bugs taking up residence at any time, and most of them you may never see. They are a common household insect, and they are very social creatures. Their communities are led by a queen who lays countless eggs to populate her colony. Some queens can live up to 30 years and produce up to 300,000 eggs in just a few days. Most of the ants you’ll run into are the workers, which are not responsible for reproduction, but instead have other duties, like providing food and protecting the nest.

Why Ants Are Problematic

You may not think too much about a few of them scurrying around, but they can pose several significant problems when they take up residence in earnest. Firstly, they can pose a potential health risk to humans. They can carry harmful bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella and transfer them to humans through avenues such as food. Some species, such as Fire Ants, can be aggressive, and their venom can be hazardous to humans and pets. They are also known for destroying electrical boxes. Carpenter Ants can wreak havoc on the inside of your home itself, making their nest by hollowing out the wooden structures of your house. They do not eat the wood and leave little piles that look like sawdust behind.

There are about 64 species here in Missouri, of which about 10 are significant pests in homes. Common species include Argentine, Carpenter, Odorous House, and Pharaoh Ants. Homes are not the only target but also hospitals, restaurants, offices, and warehouses. They love to feed on sugary foods, including honey, fruit, and syrup, and dine on fatty foods and meat.

Ways To Protect Your Property From Ants

The good news is that you can take some steps to try and protect your property from these pesky invaders. Cleaning up sugary messes, keeping ripe fruit in an air-tight container, and cleaning out garbage cans are ways to avoid invasions. Even with these precautions, they can make an appearance, and it can be tough to figure out why without the help of a professional. Here at Pest Patrol, we’ve seen it all regarding pest invasions, especially ants. Our experts have the experience and equipment necessary to handle your residential or commercial pest control needs.

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